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Feel The Yarn 06 A/W 22.23 Fluid
The Magazine comes from a desire to talk about knitwear trends with the focus squarely on yarns. Having looked at the publishing market, we have realised that there is no magazine out there that puts yarns at the heart of the extraordinary evolution of knitwear over the last 10 years. The images and words behind the inspiration for knitwear creators will be placed alongside yarns, clothes and garments that provide the best visual representation of the themes chosen to depict the reality around us, or what will sum up our daily lives in the future. We are convinced of our ability to add another angle to our way of seeing yarns and of their ability to interpret our moods and our passions.
The season main mood is entitled FLUID and includes the A/W 2022.23 trends and colours divided in 4 themes (Evolving Shapes, Mystic Body, Multiple Identity, Osmotic Balance).
Fluidity as a state of mind. Fluidity as the capacity to adapt, change or transform. Change shape, find new shapes, switch from one dimension to another, shun constriction and impediment. Fluidity as a constant process of change, as a springboard for tackling confusion and instability, adapting, not sticking to fixed models, but seeking stability in the continuous ability to transform and constantly create new and impermanent forms. Fluidity as an instrument of freedom, as a gateway to the new and the unexplored. Fluidity as the harmonious movement of the body. Finally, knitwear is by its very nature fluid, not so much for its tactile, sleek, smooth, soft or impalpable feel, but for its primary ability to be shaped, moulded, extended or contracted.